The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities would like to congratulate Rutgers University-Camden on their recent acquisition of the 2015 Higher Education Civic Engagement Award, presented by The Washington Center and the New York Life Foundation.

This award is presented to higher education institutions that demonstrate a commitment to civic engagement, economic growth, and innovating partnerships beyond their campus. The award highlights leadership and initiative from universities that collaborate with communities to address issues of civic engagement and public concern.

According to Mike Smith, president of The Washington Center, “Rutgers’s University-Camden is a shining example of how universities are taking the traditional curriculum model and incorporating initiatives that teach self-awareness, community engagement, and life-long leadership skills,”

Rutgers University-Camden also earned a 2015 Community Engagement Classification from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching earlier this year. During the 2013-2014 academic year:

  • 45% of their student body engaged in over 300,000 hours of community service
  • 1,065 students engaged in service for academic credit
  • 93 academic courses were developed with specific civic engagement components

We’re proud to support Rutgers University-Camden and celebrate their continued and active involvement with the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities! Read more about this event here.