Call for Manuscripts

Metropolitan Universities journal is accepting full manuscripts for the upcoming 2017 Annual Conference Issue: The Urban Advantage.

Vicki Golich, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs at Metropolitan State University of Denver, will serve as guest editor.

The theme of the 2017 CUMU Annual Conference not only looks at the role our urban and metropolitan universities serve in their communities, but also the role our cities play in students’ academic and personal growth. We are particularly interested in submissions that examine the biggest challenges and opportunities facing our institutions and the cities we serve. This issue will feature topics about the ways administrators and scholars are using teaching, learning, and research to address the most pressing challenges facing our collective communities.

Submission Guidelines

  • Only those presenting at the 2017 Annual Conference in Denver, CO may submit for publication.
  • Submissions should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the MUJ Editorial and Submission Guidelines.
  • New presentation formats introduced at the 2017 conference allow for more in-depth conversations. Submissions should take into account the outcomes of these conversations.

Abstracts are due October 31, 2017.