NOW AVAILABLE: Metropolitan Universities 25.1
Members check your campus libraries and president’s offices for the latest issue of Metropolitan Universities. This issued titled New Perspectives on Urban University Roles features the following articles:
- Johnson, J. and George, T; Public-Private Partnership, Entrepreneurship Strategy, and Regional Economic Development: A Case Study
- Drum, J., Ladda, S., Geary, C., Fitzpatrick, C.; Athlete and Non-Athlete Adjustment to College
- Munger, R.; Best Practices for Working Effectively with Your Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)
- Vermillion, M.; Division I Student Athletes’ Perceptions: How Well Does the Athletic Departmetn Promote Student Athlete Development in an Urban-Serving Unviersity?
- Meisel, J., Navin, J., Sullivan, T.; Perceptions by Faculty, Staff, and Administrators of the Role of Intercollegiate Athletics at a Metropolitan University as a NCAA Divsiion II Athletics Program Reclassifies to a NCAA Division I Athletics Program
- Ehrich, K., Ceranic, T., Lui, J.; Business Unusual: Transforming Business School Curricula through Community Engagement
- Butchey, D.; Tools to Make Online Students and Community Partners in a Service Learning Project More ‘AT-EASE’ – Evidence from a Finance Class
- Adan Rodriguez, B.; Education for All or Profit for Few? Analyzing the Behavior of College-Going Students Attending For-Profit Colleges
- Edwards, T., Montague, D.; The University’s Role in Advancing Race Relations: Reflections from the Community