Metropolitan Universities began publication in 1990. The first issue, Identity and Culture, was edited by Ernest Lynton and focused on the identity of metropolitan universities. Since that time, 33 volumes have been published on a wide-range of topics that are relevant to our urban and metropolitan universities. All issues can be viewed on the Metropolitan Universities journal site.
Vol. 34 No. 5 Developing and Sustaining Institutional Support for Community-Engaged Research
Vol. 34 No. 4 Metropolitan Universities
Vol. 34 No. 2 The Pedagogy of Place-Based Initiatives and Anchor Institutions
Vol 34. No. 1 Metropolitan Universities
Vol. 33 No. 3 Community Engagement at Academic Health Centers
Vol. 33 No. 2 Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion at Urban Institutions
30.4 The Future of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
30.3 Engaging Communities in East Asia
30.2 Partnering for Equity: Chicago Conference Issue
30.1 Urban and Metropolitan Universities: The Transformative Power of Anchor Institutions
29.2 The Urban Advantage: The 2017 CUMU Annual Conference Issue (Denver, CO)
28.4 Collective Impact Strategies
28.2 Charting the Future of Metropolitan Universities: The 2016 Washington, D.C. Conference Issue
28.1 Urban Food Networks (2017)
27.3 Campus and Community in Shared Spaces
27.2 Recognizing Engaged Scholarship in Faculty Reward Structures: Challenges and Progress
27.1 Love of Place: The Metropolitan University Advantage (2015 CUMU Annual Conference, Omaha, NE)
26.3 Curricular Innovation: Engaged Capstones at Portland State University
26.2 To What End: Measuring Engagement With Our Communities
25.3 Working with Diverse Communities
25.2 Transforming and Sustaining Communities Through Partnerships
24.3 Metropolitan Libraries in Partnership with Communities
24.2 Innovations for Increasing Underrepresented Student Success
23.3 Actions and Trends Shaping the Metropolitan University Mission
23.2 Web 2.0 Technologies at Metropolitan Universities
23.1 Creating Tomorrow’s Future Today (2011 CUMU Annual Conference Issue, Indianapolis, IN)
22.3 College Access and the 21st Century Student
22.2 International Perspectives on Community-University Partnerships
22.1 Metropolitan Branch Campuses
21.3 Aligning the Metropolitan University with Other Sectors
21.2 Faculty Hiring and Success
20.4 The Green Revolution of Metropolitan Universities
20.3 Building Community Resiliency: The Role of University Leadership
19.4 Improving the Urban Education Pipeline
19.2 Learning Communities: Students at the Center
19.1 Metropolitan Universities and Community Engagement
18.4 Creating Sustainable School-University Partnerships
18.3 Visions for the Future of Urban Universities
18.2 Contemporary Challenges for Metropolitan Universities
18.1 Diverse Issues of Urban and Metropolitan Universities: Papers from the 2006 CUMU Conference
17.3 Civic Engagement at Traditional Research Universities
17.2 African Americans: Struggle for Recognition the Academy
16.4 Urban and Metropolitan Universities in Tomorrow’s Economy
16.3 Learning Communities and Collaboration
16.2 Engaging our Metropolitan Students
15.4 Urban and Metropolitan America: The New Realities
15.3 Education Corridors: An Emerging Phenomenon
14.4 Metropolitan Universities: Partners in the Urban Agenda
14.3 Lessons From Service-Learning
14.2 Civic Engagement in Australia
14.1 Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference 2002
13.4 Partnership for Urban Teacher Education
13.3 The Urban Universities Portfolio Project
13.2 The Challenges of Leadership
13.1 Independent Institutions and Their Urban Missions
12.4 The Scholarship of Engagement
12.3 “The University as Citizen”Conference
12.2 Branch Campuses as the New Metropolitan Universities
11.2 Community-Campus Partnership for Health
11.1 International Service Learning
10.4 Highlights of the 1999 Coalition Meeting
9.3 Challenges for Change at Metropolitan Universities
9.2 Honors Programs/Colleges at Metropolitan Universities
8.3 Cross-Sector Collaboration
8.2 Fundraising and Development
8.1 Faculty Roles and Rewards, II
7.3 Highlights of the 1996 Coalition Meeting
7.2 Student Transfer from Community College
6.4 University-Community Partnership
6.3 University-Community Partnership
5.4 Urban Studies & Urban Centers
5.3 Leadership in Metropolitan Universities