Metropolitan Universities journal is a peer-reviewed, open access publication. Metropolitan Universities publishes manuscripts on topics pertinent to urban and metropolitan institutions. Prospective authors are encouraged to first review the Journal’s Aims and Scope.
Authors are expected to prepare manuscripts consistent with our Instructions for Authors. Manuscripts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated, must not have been previously published elsewhere, and must not be under consideration by another journal.
Download Metropolitan Universities journal’s instructions for authors
Manuscripts are first screened for fit with the Journal’s Aims and Scope, and readiness for peer review. The editor may elect to reject manuscripts at this stage, or request revisions prior to initiating the review.
- Manuscripts should be free of grammatical errors and should adhere to the requirements of APA style.
- Manuscripts must be 7,000 words or less, inclusive of references, tables, figures, etc.
- Manuscripts must be in English and must begin with a title page that includes the names, e-mail addresses, and affiliations of all authors.
- Manuscripts should be formatted in Microsoft Word (.doc).
Estimated time from initial submission to publication: five to six months.
How to submit a manuscript
Metropolitan Universities journal is managed through the OJS (Open Journal Systems). To submit an abstract or a complete manuscript, prospective authors must create an account on the OJS website.
- Click on “Register” in the upper right of the homepage to create your user account.
Once registered, go to the “User Home” tab, where you will see Author listed as your role. There you can follow these steps to submit your manuscript:
- Click on the “New Submission” link to the right of where it says “Author.”
- Select the type of document you will be submitting from the drop-down list, an “article.”
- If you are submitting a manuscript for a themed issue, in the “comments for the editor” section, please list the specific issue theme you are submitting an abstract for, e.g. “collective impact” or “conference issue.”Click “Save and continue” to proceed to the next step.
- Following the instructions on the next page, upload your manuscript (Microsoft Word files only).
- Enter the required metadata: title, abstract, keywords, and references.
- Fill out the author data (if there is more than one author, click “Add Author” at the bottom of this section), the title of the manuscript, an abstract, and the references.
- Upload any supplementary material you have following the steps from earlier. If not, proceed to the next step.
- Finally, when your manuscript and information are ready, click “Finish Submission.”
After submitting your manuscript, you can go to the “User Home” tab and click on “Active Submissions” to monitor where your manuscript is in the editing process.
You will receive email during the review process, including status updates and possible requests for additional information.
If you have any technical issues with the online system, please don’t hesitate to contact us.