Metropolitan Universities Journal Urban Food Networks Issue Released

Volume 28, Issue 1 of Metropolitan Universities, Urban Food Networks, is now available online. This latest issue explores the role urban universities play at all different levels in addressing issues their communities face related to food systems.

“Because of critical factors such as food security, potentially polarizing assumptions, and multiple stakeholder agendas inherent in food systems, urban universities are uniquely positioned to provide a foundation to advance learning and developments needed to make a significant difference in urban food systems. Entire urban university communities, with a multitude of internal and external influences, are addressing food system opportunities and challenges at local, regional, and global levels,” says guest editor Julie M. Fox, of the Ohio State University in her introduction to the issue.

Authors featured in the issue address food systems from a variety of perspectives, from farming and food cultivation to research, education and civic engagement. The articles in the issue address specifically the challenges of food security, policy, production, culture, and justice.

Several programs that are featured in this issue are:

  1. The Chicago Higher Education Sustainable Food Systems Network and Chicago Urban Agriculture Mapping Project are building on the city’s extensive history of food production, advocacy, policy, and planning.
  2. The University of the District of Columbia is building economic development capacity and quality of life in underserved neighborhoods through Urban Food Hubs of the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability, and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES).
  3. The Food Systems Planning and Healthy Communities Lab at the University at Buffalo focuses on community-led planning and policy to reduce inequities in the food system and to facilitate healthier communities.

When you’ve finished reading the articles, don’t forget to share some food for thought with us on Twitter.

Table of Contents

To read all of the articles, as well as the full archive of past issues, visit Metropolitan Universities online.