Presented by Florida International University

The transition to remote work and learning as a result of COVID-19 led to the creation of the Academic Continuity Team (ACT). The ACT consists of experts in teaching and learning, online delivery, and information technology and meets regularly to discuss strategies to help guide this transition. One strategy was to ensure that faculty and staff had access to resources to guide them in developing their course to be successful in a new modality. The team recognized that providing this professional development experience was key to ensuring courses were designed to best foster student success during this time.

The purpose of the presentation is to inform the audience about how FIU leveraged micro-credentialing to offer a “Remote Teach Ready (RTR)” badge indicating preparedness to move a course remotely. Since March 2020, we have issued over 1,100 RTR badges to faculty and staff. The presentation will include the context that led to the RTR course, how it was developed, lessons learned, and an overview of how micro-credentialing was utilized to provide participants with evidence of completion. Each panelist will provide their perspective on the development of the initiative and its impact of their respective area and stakeholders. The key takeaways from the presentation are to gain insight into one strategy to prepare faculty to teach remotely and to identify how the lessons learned can help to inform future large-scale faculty training initiatives.