CUMU MEMBERSCUMU MEMBERSThis program is open to individuals from CUMU member institutions only, including faculty, staff, students, or community partners CONNECTINGCONNECTINGThese programs focus on meaningful networking opportunities. Attendees are expected to have cameras on to engage in group discussion or in breakout rooms. Often, sessions include a shared product to record the group's ideas, such as a collaborative online document or whiteboard. Examples: Huddles and Community Conversations
If you work in a library at a CUMU member institution, please join us for an informal discussion on how campus libraries engage with their local communities. Potential topics of discussion might include innovative initiatives, supporting campus engagement, and other topics participants bring to the table. In this Zoom meeting, CUMU members will connect with others from our network, share what they are doing on their own campuses, and collect useful resources in a shared Google doc that attendees can take with them as a resource.
Professor Fannie Cox joined the University of Louisville Libraries faculty in January 1999. Currently she serves as the community engagement consultant and liaison librarian, where she is responsible for engaging community organizations to develop partnerships promoting information literacy, mentoring junior faculty, and assisting the library’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group. She is the library’s faculty representative to the University Community Engagement Committee, Signature Partner Initiative. Also, she serves as the library liaison/collection specialist to the Department of Urban and Public Affairs, and the College of Education and Human Development Multicultural Children’s Collection.