Every four years, CUMU looks at where we’ve been and where we’re going through a strategic planning process. Our strategic direction plan builds on our core mission, provides a framework to align our activities to more effectively support our member institutions, and helps to shape the direction of our future.
As the organization of choice for urban and metropolitan universities, CUMU’s new three-year plan (2021–2024) builds upon our existing strengths while incorporating adaptations necessary to support the changing needs of our institutions, students, and cities.
“During a time of increased resource constraints, it’s essential that CUMU not only remains affordable but accessible to our growing network. To accomplish our goals, we are asking all members to step up as contributors, conveners, participants, and champions to move our collective work forward over the next three years,” said Bill Covino, president of Cal State LA and president of the CUMU executive committee.
The new strategic plan centers anti-racism, equity, and inclusion into all three of our upcoming priorities. This plan will help to deepen member engagement and further partnerships, while driving innovation.
Over the next three years, we will continue to move our research agenda forward to generate new knowledge and effective practice, which focuses on measurable outcomes and impact. - PRIORITY 2: LEARNING, TEACHING, AND SHARING
On local, state, national, and global levels, CUMU will raise awareness of the urban advantage in order to garner the support of key partners and organizations - PRIORITY 3: VISIBILITY AND CONNECTIONS
As we look forward, CUMU seeks to deepen engagement within existing member institutions in order to maximize benefits for each institution.
As a member-driven community, we rely on member institutions and their faculty, staff, and students. We want to thank our advisory group who provided input and guidance in developing this plan:
- Kevin Corcoran, Oakland University
- Christian Corrales, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
- Joanne Curry, Simon Fraser University
- Scott Gross, California State University San Marcos
- Brian Jackson, Stockton University
- Jennifer Pautz, New York University
- David Thomas, Community College of Philadelphia
- Jeremy Vickers, Baylor University
- Mary Ann Villarreal, University of Utah
- Nyeema Watson, Rutgers University–Camden