A Big Step—CUMU Joins WHES
The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) is pleased to announce that it has been accepted into the Washington Higher Education Secretariat (WHES).
Formed in 1962, WHES is convened by the American Council on Education and is comprised of approximately 50 higher education association leaders representing different sectors and functions in postsecondary institutions. Membership is by election of current members.
The Secretariat serves to provide a forum for Chief Executives of national higher education associations to consider strategic issues, review trends and challenges confronting higher education while developing responses, and to learn from colleagues and external experts. Secretariat members also work in groups to study specific issues and network and collaborate with member institutions.
We are excited to join this organization and learn and share with other associations! This is a big step for CUMU and we’re eager to attend the first meeting.