Metropolitan Universities journal has a proud and successful tradition of publishing timely and innovative special issues. We invite proposals for special issues on any topic likely to be of interest to the journal’s readers that advance and engage with critical, evidence-based studies and perspectives relevant to urban and metropolitan campuses (universities, colleges, and community-colleges). Our aim and scope as well as past content may be helpful in this regard.
The number and length of contributions in a special issue depends on the topic and the approach taken. Most of our recent special issues comprised between eight and ten articles, including an introduction written by the guest editorial team. There is some flexibility in respect to the size of a special issue, as long as the selection of contributions is coherent and meets the journal’s high standard for quality.
We appreciate proposals featuring a diverse group of authors.
Submissions should be sent to the editor, Dr. Valerie Holton with “Special Issue Proposal” in the subject line.
Deadline for special issue proposal submissions: February 28, 2022.
Information to be provided in a proposal
The format of a proposal is not important but it should contain the following information:
- A rationale explaining the significance, novelty, and alignment with the scope of the journal of the proposed theme. A draft call for manuscripts is optional but appreciated.
- A plan for obtaining quality papers (e.g. authors to invite to submit, networks through which to share the call).
- A CV or resume of the proposed guest editor(s). MUJ encourages two or more guest editors to collaborate on an issue.
- List of potential reviewers is helpful but not required.
- A proposed publication schedule including submission deadline and completion of the editorial process. It typically takes 6 to 9 months from submission of initial manuscripts to publication. We aim to give our authors a final decision approximately 5 months from submission.
Special issue selection procedure
Proposals will be considered on two main criteria, namely their fit into the journal’s scope, and the proposal’s quality, including timeliness and originality. The proposing guest editors will be notified by the beginning of March.
Guest editor’s expected role
- Draft the call for manuscripts.
- Circulate the call and invite submissions from leading authors. The publication team will circulate it through the newsletter, website, and CUMU’s social media.
- Manage submissions to the special issue in the Open Journal System (the web-based journal management system) including assigning reviewers, collating reviews, communicating with authors, proposing editorial decisions of acceptance, decline and minor revisions (the Executive Editor has final decision making authority). All articles must be evaluated by at least two reviewers using a double-blind peer review process, as well as the guest editor(s).
- Secure at least two subject experts as reviewers per submission.
- Coordinate the editorial process in consultation with the Editor and Managing Editor.
- Meet deadlines and deliver the final project as scheduled.
- Engage with reviewers, authors, and editorial staff in an ethical and professional manner.
- Author an introduction of the issue.
Note: Guest editors have the support of the MUJ editorial and publication team.
For any questions, please contact Dr. Valerie Holton, editor, at