The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities serves as a convening agent and provides a platform for like-minded institutions to leverage one another and disseminate the “metropolitan university” identity. In support of this, CUMU sends out three types of electronic communications; each one is a platform to tell our story while providing opportunities for members to share their solutions and gain visibility.
- Because Place Matters: CUMU’s newsletter, Because Place Matters, is all about place and why it matters to urban and metropolitan colleges and universities. Because Place Matters recognizes and highlights the truly impactful work CUMU members are doing to solve pressing issues of the day and to raise up their communities in positive ways. Let us know what news and opportunities you would like us to highlight. (Sent ~10–12 times per year)
- CUMU Annual Conference updates: Our annual conference is CUMU’s largest and most visible way of engaging with our members. As such, several emails are sent to solicit presentations, to promote registration, and to share general conference announcements. (Sent ~20 times, January–October)
- Metropolitan Universities journal updates: CUMU electronically publishes Metropolitan Universities four times per year. We send emails to announce the publication of each issue as well as follow up emails with supporting materials. (Sent ~8 times per year)
It’s our hope you will find this monthly communication a useful tool to not only learn what other members are doing, but to share your news and opportunities.